Guzara Allowance

Guzara allowance is a monthly grant meant for the chronic poor. It aims to safeguard them from hunger which is both cause and manifestation of extreme poverty. Its current monthly rate is Rs. 1500 and is paid by the local Zakat committee of the area of residence of the deserving (mustahiq) person. As of October 2014,  guzara allowance is paid through branchless banking , which is relatively faster, more convenient and more transparent through Biometrics verfication System(BVS).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Istehqaq is determined by Local Zakat Committee of the area of permanent residence of the applicant
  • Adult Muslim, living below poverty level with preference to widows and disabled
  • Unemployed
  • Not a habitual beggar

How to Apply

The deserving person can apply to the Chairman, Local Zakat Committee of the area of his/her residence. Local Zakat Committee, keeping in view of the financial condition of the applicant, may determine or reject his/her Istehqaq. Guzara allowance is paid  via UBL OMNI


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