Elahi Bakhs

District Layyah

Mr. Elahi Bakhash is a 55 years old person. He has been living in Ward No.1& 2 in District Layyah. His family is consisted of six members. Due to high inflation, poverty and unemployment, it was a incessant headache for him to marriage her daughters. Being a poor person, it was very difficult for him to arrange sacred ceremonies of Nikah of his daughters and he re-coursed to Local Zakat Committee of the Zakat Department. The Local Zakat Committee determined his Istehqaq and referred the case to District Zakat Committee, Layyah for releasing of cheque amounting to Rs.10,000/- in head of marriage grant for unmarried women. The District Zakat Committee issued cheque in his favour keeping in view his poverty. Though this was a meager amount for a great scared ceremony of Nikah yet it proved as enabling step for marriage and Mr. Elahi Bakhash is gratifying to the Zakat & Ushr Department.